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An invaluable resource to deliver honest and respectful feedback to employees and leaders to achieve a higher level of self-awareness and success.

Our coaching philosophy is to -

Listen with a high degree of curiosity; 

Uncover motivators and drivers; 

Build the relationship as a trusted advisor;

Provide untarnished and candid reactions and feedback;

Build muscle not crutches; and

Develop a pragmatic approach to increase effectiveness and the likelihood of success.  

Our Coaching Personas

HR Consulting

Image by Mihai Stefan


This person is asking - "what's next" mostly during school, but even some mid-career professionals who are exploring a career change. It would be nice to have a guide, someone to challenge our thinking...someone who has seen-that-done-that.

Image by Mihai Stefan

Hourly Employee

Someone who is perhaps just getting started in their career and needs a mentor to help get their footing. 

Image by Mihai Stefan


A high-potential professional who needs some guidance to increase their effectiveness. Could be struggling to get traction with their manager. 

Image by Mihai Stefan


Managing people is hard. This person will find incredible value in having access to an outside resource to challenge them and role play various situations. 

Smiling Young Man


This person has the unique challenge of managing up, down, and sideways...and many times is felt caught in the middle. This person could benefit from an outside perspective.

Portrait of Senior Woman


Executives can be lonely and taxing due to the absence of a vent for their emotional energy. This person also needs guidance and agenda-free candid feedback. 

Group Discussion


An outside coach and facilitator can be an invaluable resource to uncover conflict and resistance present within a group, which could be between two people or as many as ten. 

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